TEKNIKER is a technology centre specialised in Advanced Manufacturing, Surface and Product Engineering, and ICT for manufacturing. Its mission is geared towards fostering growth and wellbeing through R&D&I actions aimed at society and enhancing competitiveness in the business fabric in a sustainable manner. TEKNIKER is a member of the Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRTA).
In the field of Industrial Automation and Robotics, TEKNIKER specializes in developing solutions that enhance process effectiveness, optimize operations, reduce time and costs, and increase reliability. In Inspection and Measurement, they offer precision-engineered solutions, integrating commercial devices and tailored measurement procedures for each application. In Sensor Devices, they develop solutions based on diverse technological principles for critical sectors such as industrial, energy, and electromedical. Additionally, in Industrial Maintenance, TEKNIKER provides solutions to improve facility performance, optimize operations management, and add greater value to products, thereby optimizing business results.
Calle Iñaki Goenaga, 5, 20600 Eibar (Gipuzkoa) España